Fourteen, multiplayer game on iOS

icon of FourteenLet’s play my first game on iPhone and iPad: Fourteen!

Forget letters, play with numbers now!!!

Addictive multiplayer game

Fourteen is a turn-based game. You have to make 14 as many times as possible by summing numbers. Slide your finger over digits to sum them.

Fourteen screenshot


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Android Tips: cut textview to see ‘…’ (ellipsis)

Android tips: cut textview and add ellipsis

Single line

Add android:ellipsize=”end” in the properties of the texview.

If you want your text on one line, add android:singleLine=”true”.


  android:text="Text to cut because it is too long"

Multi lines

If your textview will be on 2 lines for example, add Continue reading


Fourteen, my new original game

Fourteen game icon

I am very proud to announce you my new game, Fourteen, just released on android. You can find the premium version here: and the free version here:

Fourteen is a new inventive game! Forget letters, you play with numbers now! :)

fourteen screenshotRules

You have 90 seconds to do 14 as many times as possible! Move your finger over the numbers to sum them and do 14.
Play with your friends

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More than 50 000 downloads for Alchemy War on Google Play

Alchemy War

Since Wednesday, you have been more than 50 000 players on Alchemy War! And this is only the number of installations from the Google playstore (you are many more with the other stores)! Thank you all!

Statistics – Analytics

Number of launchs on Alchemy WarTo celebrate, let me show you some statistics. Since the first version of Alchemy War:

- More than 114 500 fights against Killy (the first Enemy) have been played! Continue reading

Jewels Leather edition

Jewels leather edition, a new android game

I have just launched a new game on the Google Playstore, Jewels leather edition. You can find it here:

Android jewels gameMatch-3 puzzle game

Your mission is to win Jewels leather edition, pass the 6 levels and try to be the best in the world Continue reading

Alchemy war upgrade, more combinations and levels

Alchemy War upgrade (version 1.7)

A new upgrade of Alchemy war is available online. Alchemy War (Android playstore link).

New weapons

a new weapon

A new weapon in Alchemy War: the Musket

In this version, you have more items to discover. Now there are 111 items to find! Among these objects, you will be able to create new weapons: medieval and from the XVIIIth century weapons. Best alchimists will also create some fun stuff… ;)

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Solution for the in-app billing tutorial from Google (Android)

Solution for the IInAppBillingService.aidl error in eclipse.

If you try to add the Google library android for the in-app billing, you will have this error: interface IInAppBillingService should be declared in a file called com\android\vending\billing\IInAppBillingService.aidl.

We will see how to solve this issue. Continue reading