Alchemy War upgrade : version 1.1
Alchemy War is a new game. You can see its presentation in this article. I have put it on the android market for 3 weeks (Achemy War on the market). Now it is time to deliver a big update.
Some new improvements in the version 1.1.
- More objects to create: now there are 70 elements to find! So I added new combinaisons too.
- More ennemies to beat: you can try to reach the 300th round!
- Object caracteristics: a new button, the “star” button, has been added in the game. When you select an object, you can see the “star” button in the top left of the screen. By clicking on it, you will see the power of this object. A player suggested it to me, and I finally let me convince.
Next features coming soon
For the future release, I will try to make some improvements.
In the android market, Amber suggested to me to let the player pull out any element he have discovered during a “change”. I think it can be a good improvement. I will try to implement a solution in the game.
An other thing to implement is to save the list of objects discovered by the player. I think it can help players to see its progress.
If you have any suggestion, let me know!
To discover my other applications, go here or directly in android market.
# Previous article on Alchemy War: Alchemy War presentation.