Alchemy war upgrade, more combinations and levels

Alchemy War upgrade (version 1.7)

A new upgrade of Alchemy war is available online. Alchemy War (Android playstore link).

New weapons

a new weapon

A new weapon in Alchemy War: the Musket

In this version, you have more items to discover. Now there are 111 items to find! Among these objects, you will be able to create new weapons: medieval and from the XVIIIth century weapons. Best alchimists will also create some fun stuff… ;)



New ennemies

Many players asked me to add more levels, it’s done! :) You have more than 890 rounds with ennemies!

I hope you will enjoy playing Alchemy War. Let me know what you think of it!

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7 thoughts on “Alchemy war upgrade, more combinations and levels

  1. dude Im stuck here cant get anything stronger than fighter plane for attak and energy drink for defence can you give me some hint?

  2. Hi I’m playing on the french version, my highest round ist 1738 (no more boss after 890 ?) and I’m stuck with the 3 last element of the last line below. Any tips ?

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